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Introductory Membership Options

Monthly Membership


Monthly will be $49/month

Everything you use & love in one place! 

 Membership Includes

  • The entire year of either Ancient, Medieval, or U.S. History Curriculum
  • CCSS Aligned Lesson Plans
  • Doodle Notes
  • Quizzes
  • Tests
  • Guided Notes
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Bell Ringers
  • Reading Stations
  • Save now before fall pricing begins!
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Annual Membership


Yearly pricing will be $497/year

Everything you use & love in one place!  

Membership Includes

  • The entire year of either Ancient, Medieval, or U.S. History Curriculum
  • CCSS Aligned Lesson Plans
  • Doodle Notes
  • Quizzes
  • Tests
  • Guided Notes
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Bell Ringers
  • Reading Assignments
  • Save now before fall pricing begins!
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