With over 320 pages divided into 8 easy-to-follow subfolders, you’ll have all of the Ancient Mesopotamia civilization maps, lesson plans, activities, reading passages, guided notes with worksheets, & assessments you’ll need to teach like a superhero!
This student-centered Ancient Civilizations activities bundle is both printable and Google Classroom-ready. Students will explore and review the big idea six key concepts (GRAPES). Plus, all of our curriculum units have embedded student accountability with assessments at each step, so progress is data-driven.
Each unit comes with notes, graphic organizers, and review worksheets that have the GRAPES key concepts in mind:
- G= Geography
- R= Religion
- A= Achievements
- P= Politics/Government/Leadership
- E= Economy
- S= Social Classes
Like all of our Ancient History bundles, the Ancient Mesopotamia unit has a common flow to reduce anxiety for you and your students throughout the year! We know that teachers love no prep history activities, and students need structure and accountability to succeed; our units are taught with a common sequence, complete with mini-assessments along the way.
Here’s what’s included, organized in 8 sequenced subfolders AND on a linked Google-ready table of contents for easy access:
1.⚡Mesopotamia Introductory Investigation Subfolder- This lesson is a great introduction and includes a summative activity. Students analyze visuals, primary source excerpts, and maps to make predictions about the content they will learn about.
2. Ancient Mesopotamia Geography Mini-Bundle Subfolder- Includes two assignment options, a satellite map instructional PowerPoint, and a fun class game. Now includes a geography quiz and answer key!
3.⭐Mesopotamia Vocabulary Subfolder- Includes three assignment vocabulary options, review games, and a quiz. Also, includes Quizlet links for online learning practice with the same words and definitions!
4. Notes, Readings, and Graphic Organizers Subfolder- Includes everything you need to teach the content via readings, activities, or direct instruction. Complete with a content quiz!
- Ancient Mesopotamia Historical Snapshot- This Ancient Mesopotamia Close Reading includes an annotation guide, worksheet, and graphic organizer based on the big ideas of social science. Now includes a comprehension quiz and answer key!
- PowerPoint Notes and two-page outline printable notes with a graphic organizer that can be used interchangeably!
- Student-Centered Reading Stations- Key concepts for social science organize reading stations and have a worksheet or folding graphic organizer option.
- Mesopotamia Interactive Notebook: This easy-to-run lesson has fun and rigor! It covers all of the bases for Ancient Mesopotamia and can be done in an interactive notebook format or as a workbook and fun doodle-style project.
5. Activities Subfolder- Includes diverse, interactive, student-centered activities from which teachers can pick and choose based on personal style and class needs.
- Write Like a Sumerian! Cuneiform in Mesopotamia Common Core Writing and Literacy
- Hammurabi's Code Common Core Writing and Literacy Primary Source Activity
- The Epic of Gilgamesh- A primary source analysis reading and writing activity.
- Mesopotamia Time Machine Newscast- A Class play/read-aloud script with graphic organizer.
- Sumerian Selfie Instagram Post Ancient Mesopotamia Leadership Activity
- Common Core Writing Pre-Write and Template for a Perfect Informational Paragraph with iPad App Writing Template and Rubric
- What's Your Destiny? Close reading and a fun comprehension game. Students read and compete on a displayed class game board. Winning students choose a fictitious destiny that is shared with the class!
- Common Core Primary Source Quote Activities (5 to choose from)
- Common Core Aligned Research Project Packet and Activity (6 ideas and Templates with the SAME rubric!)
- Doodle World History Summary Activity. Fun creative note-taking graphic organizer that allows students to detail the 6 key "big idea" concepts.
- Jingle Mingle Fun Review Interactive- Students mingle about the room finding partners. When the music stops, students address essential learning questions together!
- Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Resource Pack
- Ancient Mesopotamia Heroes Trading Cards- Hammurabi, Sargon, & Nebuchadnezzar In this fun history lesson, students engage with the accomplishments of key leaders of Ancient Mesopotamia, including Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar, and Sargon.
- Hanging Gardens of Babylon This Ancient Mesopotamia history lesson embraces a combination of rigor and creativity.
6. Daily Skill-Based Text Analysis Warm-Ups and Mini-Lessons and Review – Students make inferences and predictions from the text, choose the best evidence to support a claim, cite sources, paraphrase and learn to write strong commentary in these daily skill-based mini-lessons and practice slides.
Exit Tickets- Over 40 formats from which to choose! Students support a claim with evidence. Write what they learned or formulate content questions! This is a great informal daily summary.
7. Big Ideas Review Subfolder- Includes 10 activities that work perfectly with interactive notebooks! Each unit comes with a key concepts introductions PowerPoint and graphic organizer, My World- Big Ideas Activity, Folding graphic Organizer, The Biggest Idea Unit Summary Activity, Big Idea Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Writing Guides, Linking the Big Ideas Analysis Activity, Key Concept Storyboard, Key Concepts Foldable Mini-Packet of Resources and a Key Concepts Field Report Summary Activity
8. ✍Study Guides, Key Concept Review, and Test Subfolder- Each unit comes with a study guide that has students pre-read and define important vocabulary and make meaning of text excerpts that they will also see on the skill-based test! This helps reduce test anxiety and while accomplishing the same skill-based reading comprehension goal. Check out the multiple-choice editable Common Core test. Students read excerpts, support claims with evidence!

Kelly G.

Travis S.

Stephanie Noe