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Ancient China
America's- Aztec, Maya, Inca
World Religions

Never Plan a Lesson Again!

Plus with a similar Content Flow for each unit, you'll Reduce anxiety for both You and Your Students!


We give you Everything you need for your History Classes in a Key-Concept-Based Format complete with mini-assessments!


All you have to do is teach like it's Your Superpower!

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All of our curricular units are student-centered.  This Ancient Civilizations activities bundle is both printable and Google Classroom-ready. Students will explore and review the six big ideas (GRAPES). Plus, all of our curricular units have embedded student accountability with assessments at each step, so progress is data-driven.

Each unit comes with notes, graphic organizers, and review worksheets that have the GRAPES key concepts in mind:

  • G= Geography
  • R= Religion
  • A= Achievements
  • P= Politics/Government/Leadership
  • E= Economy
  • S= Social Classes

The units contain a common flow to reduce anxiety for you and your students throughout the year! We know that teachers love no-prep history activities, and students need structure and accountability to succeed; our units are taught with a common sequence, complete with mini-assessments along the way.

Here’s what’s included, organized in 8 sequenced subfolders AND on a linked Google-ready slide or PDF clickable version.

1) Introductory Investigation

2) Geography

3) Vocabulary

4) Notes, Readings, and Graphic Organizers

5) Activities

6) Daily Skill-Based Text Analysis Warm-Ups, Mini-Lessons, and Review

7) Big Ideas Review

8) Study Guides, Key Concept Review, and Tests

Prehistory Mini-Unit $14

What's this era about? A content summary:

Prehistory is the time before writing, from early humans to 4000 BCE. Humans evolved both physically and culturally, developing tools and practices to form modern society. The Stone Age relied on stone tools, while the Paleolithic age saw fire control and advanced tools. The Neolithic age introduced agriculture, permanent settlements, and human civilization. Archaeology, anthropology, and paleontology uncover prehistoric remains. Researchers learn how humans lived and adapted to their environment and how prehistory laid the foundation for modern society. Studying prehistory helps us understand our origins and how we became who we are today.

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Mesopotamia $28

With over 320 pages divided into 8 easy-to-follow subfolders, you’ll have all of the Ancient Mesopotamia civilization maps, lesson plans, activities, reading passages, guided notes with worksheets, & assessments you’ll need to teach like a superhero!

This student-centered Ancient Civilizations activities bundle is both printable and Google Classroom-ready. Students will explore and review the big idea six key concepts (GRAPES). Plus, all of our curriculum units have embedded student accountability with assessments at each step, so progress is data-driven.

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Egypt $28 

 Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Civilization of Egypt unit bundle was designed with 6th grade world history social studies CCSS in mind. With over 320 pages divided into 8 easy-to-follow subfolders, you’ll have all of the Ancient Egypt lesson plans, activities, reading passages, guided notes with worksheets, & assessments you’ll need to teach like a superhero!!

Like all of our Ancient History bundles, the Ancient Egypt unit has a common flow created to reduce anxiety for you and your students throughout the year! We know that teachers love no prep history activities, and students need structure and accountability to succeed; our units are taught with a common sequence, complete with mini-assessments along the way.

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Ancient Greece $28

The Ancient Civilization Curriculum: Ancient Greece worksheets and activities unit bundle was designed with 6th-grade world history social studies CCSS in mind. With over 320 pages divided into 8 easy-to-follow subfolders, you’ll have all of the Ancient Greece lesson plans, activities, reading passages, guided notes with worksheets, & assessments you’ll need to teach like a superhero!

This awesome Ancient Civilizations activities bundle is printable and student-centered. Students will explore and review the big idea's six key concepts (GRAPES). Plus, all of our curriculum units have embedded student accountability with assessments at each step, so progress is data-driven.

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